Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is Your Website Being Hacked? Here Is How To Secure Your Website

Your website is one of the most precious commodities that you own as a small-, medium-, or large-sized business. When functioning properly, it can help to support your clients and customers and also garner new business for your organization. Some sites are even revenue generators directly, through concepts such as advertising and eCommerce. In order to keep your site functioning smoothly, you want it to have the best protection available, but hackers these days are pretty good at working the system and getting to you even when you think that you are fully protected. When your site deals in credit transactions, they could even be siphoning money directly from your account. How do you know (before it's too late) whether or not you are being hacked, and what must you do to protect your website from these Internet lowlifes?

First of all, you need a quality hosting provider that you can trust. The better ones will offer you the ability to set up secure shopping carts in order to give your customers peace of mind. These are distinguished typically via the "https://" designation. When you run things securely, the types of visitors that you get, as well as the types of advertisers, will be of better reputation, and so you can avoid certain hassles right there. While there is often a temptation to chase the money when you are trying to generate advertising revenue, you want to investigate the people that you do business with. Just because someone is willing to pay your asking price for a banner ad, that doesn't mean they are completely on the up-and-up. One site felt a direct impact from indirect hacking via a disreputable advertiser, who used their site prominently on spyware that was then distributed throughout the Internet leading to a blacklist from Google that took weeks to clear up. Some site owners are not so fortunate.

Staying on top of hackers and the tricks they use to hurt your reputation and your site revenue can be a lot more difficult with a poor hosting provider. Most of the bigger names in the industry, such as IX Web Hosting, keep their systems on the cutting edge of Internet security. Ideally, as a site owner, you want this aspect of your business to be on autopilot, but you must still safeguard your information by routine maintenance and awareness of the protections that are out there for you.

Your best defense against the Internet predators out there today is to stay apprised of the content management systems and software technologies that are available to you through your hosting provider. When you know how a hacker can strike and what the latest safeguards are, it becomes easier to protect your site.

Ixwebhosting provides secure business web hosting at affordable prices. For a real demo, visit, the real ix review site. They also provides various web hosting coupon codes for discount.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Do You Have Internet Security Issues?

Each and every day, people just like you are targeted and their Internet security is breached. The unfortunate truth is that you usually don't know it has happened until it is too late. Now you may think that the people targeting your Internet transmissions are cyber thieves and hackers. They may very well be, but there are also others who may be targeting you who are not quite such obvious suspects, including your friends, boss, co-workers, and even your very own family. If you aren't using the highest level of encryption software around, you can bet you probably have Internet security issues!

So what can high-level encryption software do to prevent Internet security issues from happening to you? The top-of-the-line software products allow you to gain access to sites you normally don't have access to, protect your data as it is transmitted over the Internet, and can even make it appear as though you are connecting from a location outside of the U.S. Such software programs also have other benefits as well, including the ability to un-ban yourself from boards and forums where you may currently be banned, and the ability to fully prevent anyone from breaking into or viewing your Internet communications. Essentially, such software takes back all of your privacy on the Internet and even adds additional benefits that allow you to freely use the Internet at your leisure.

Internet security issues can be more than a real pain. They can, in fact, cause you financial grief and sometimes legal issues, too. If you have been watching your step on the Internet and have been afraid of others watching you, you can rest assured that with the right encryption software, they won't be able to see your transmissions or censor your Internet experience in anyway. Take a look at some of the top software options available to you today!

John Garber is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a solution to Internet security issues. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog: