Socket Secure Layer helps to protect the personal payment information that customers enter on your website. When the customer enters information for payment, it is sent over the internet to be approved by the bank. It is possible for the information to leak during the transaction. Credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers are used every day over internet. It raises the risk of identity theft. The SSL certificates are issued from certificate authority. Certificate authorities are entities which issues digital certificates to organizations or people after validating them. Vrisign and Thawte are two such CAs. There are special types of SSL certificates. AlphaSSL Wildcard or Wildcard SSL certificate secures an unlimited number of first level sub domains on a single domain name.
The number of internet crime is increasing day by day. Most internet shoppers want to know that their information is safe. If their money is stolen or they become the prey of identity theft, then the website owner may have to blunt the blame. As customers, people want to know that the website owner values their privacy and their security. As a website owner you have to make sure that their trust remains intact on you. If your website consists of SSL certificate, the customers will feel secure and won't worry about internet security. It will ensure the customers that you send encrypted information through secure sockets layer (SSL); it will make them more comfortable to shop on your website. Secure sockets layer also verifies your identity. Many scam artist set up websites that look legitimate, but they are not. These websites steal information when the potential customers try to make payments.
With the help of SSL certificate your website is verified as secure. It is a relief for you as well as your customers. You can either buy these SSL certificates online or purchase them from certificate authorities. There are many websites that provide you with the variety of such certificates. It is more cost effective to buy them online.
S Jensen is the author of this article on AlphaSSL Wildcard. Find more information, about Verisign here
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